Sunday, January 2, 2011

11 Things in 11 Days that inspire me.

Happy New Year Beauties!

1/1/11... it just sooounds so new and fresh. I love being able to swipe the slate clean, don't you? And when better to do so, literally and figuratively, than Jan 1st. And this year is special. It's the genesis of a decade. It's an invitation to imagine a clean palette. It's an invitation to create.

For Artists, creativity is everything. This year... embrace the artist within your own heart.

11 things in 11 days that inspire me as an artist (in random order):

(1/1/11) 1. My Makeup Kit. I get inspired all over again when I clean out my kit and especially when I add to it. I recommend every makeup artist or enthusiast to attend the IMATS (Int'l Makeup Artist Trade Show) It is the makeup artist's equivalent to Disneyland for a child! Here is an image from my makeup kit and my assistant's kit at a shoot in Kitchen Studios in New York. This was a colorful shoot for 3 models, so my kit was a bit more grandiose than usual.

(1/2/11) 2. Bare Naked Faces. We're all so unique and so intricately detailed in our design. Each face is unlike the other. I love looking at women's faces, either made up or not. There's a beauty about a bare face that intrigues me... and it's very inspiring. It's so vital as a woman to renew our minds on a daily basis and be confident in the fact that you are unique. You don't look like any other person, so stop trying. Do not compare yourselves to others. Period. I love that our Creator was so brilliant, he never duplicated a design! Be original. Be proud of being who you are... no one else can do it quite like you.

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